I just noticed it yesterday, but there is always something happening on an April-12th. Something good, something special! For example in 2014 – at that time the sun was shining like she does today. I can still exactly remember, because I was hanging around easy-going with with some old and many new friends spending time in a backyard garden at Osterstrasse, Hamburg this day. In the front of the garden a shop was hanged. Well, the shop hung there since the 12th April at least. Who could imagine that on the 11th April. At this day it would seem that anybody need to contact the crime scene cleaning agent once again. Maybe they have actually operated, but who knows? However, it is a fact, that in the next morning a shop gave us a warm welcome – a shop where all the beautiful things reside. And it felt as if the shop has been always at home here.
Frau Hansen & Co. had done a superb job. And then you notice again, when the heart wants something, it knows no detours. You realise all your dreaming desires are not aware of limits. Great dreams need to be brought to life.
I N T H I S M O M E N T I am chilling in the sunny backyard again and I am writing these lines. The shop is still attached to the garden. He has grown considerably in the last year, not necessarily the size, but rather there has been an amazing increased growth in love, hand-picked details and caringly selected products. That is her biggest talent. Frau Hansen can make our life well diversely, more colourful and more enjoyable at all. Thus – Frau Hansens charming shop at Osterstrasse N°170, Hamburg is an interesting place to visit all over the year, not only on a April-12.
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y Frau Hansen and my dear friend in persona – I definitely wish you all the best, good luck and still great success for your little baby.
I raise my glass … included with a lot of C O M F E T T I : )
I am very proud on what you did. Next year we will celebrate us together. Jippiii. Thank goodness you will be older me this time finally.
“What would you do, if you were´t afraid?” Make my dream come true and watching him grow. I am in. All in!
J a n e N o v o